Blog Posts

My Graphic Design Future

Concordia University After graduation I plan to attend Concordia University in the Design program. In this program, I will be able to obtain my BFA (of Fine Arts) and then pursue a MDES. This program will further develop my skills and guide me on whether my interests lie more in design or web. Furthermore, the […]

My Ideal Creative Jobs

Photographer After university I would like to have my own photography agency. I would specialize in taking and editing photos for people. Photography was for me because of the creativeness it allows. I did not know what I wanted to do 5-10 years from now. However, once I was introduced to the technical side, being […]

Who I Am As A Designer

My Style of Design My name is Melissa Guerrera and I am graduating from the Graphic and Web Design program at John Abbott College. These past three years I’ve learned many different skills that have helped me grow and learn as a designer. I would say that after three years, I know what my style […]